Founder of Cyrillic Studio spoke at the TFR 2019 International Translation Forum
2020-10-27 07:10

Founder of Cyrillic Studio spoke at the TFR 2019 International Translation Forum

Valery Dovbnya, the founder of the Russian Cyrillic studio, made his first presentation on "Specifics of audiovisual translation (AVT)" at the biggest Russian forum TFR-2019 (Translation Forum Russia) on translation and localization.

In his speech, Dovbnya gave a detailed review of trends and upcoming innovations in the industry, and also shared some unique solutions within Cyrillic's production mechanisms. In addition, the studio's founder spoke about the history and types of classical audiovisual localization in Russia and worldwide, synthetic types of audiovisual localization, general features and quality of AVL, as well as identified trends in the development of audiovisual translation.

About Translation Forum Russia

Translation Forum Russia is the largest conference on translation and localization in Russia. Every year it brings together between 300 and 500 participants, including representatives of international organizations such as the European Commission and the United Nations Information Centre.

In 2009, a regional translation forum was held, which was attended by over 200 people. Guests came to the event from Samara, Chelyabinsk, Perm, and also from Kazakhstan. In 2010, the forum was called Translation Forum Russia. The forum has been held all over Russia since 2009. In 2019, TFR was held in St. Petersburg, in the Russian State Pedagogical University named after A.I. Herzen, where 726 participants from 32 countries were present.

The main goal of the forum was to share knowledge in the field of translation, as well as to discuss modern technologies and techniques. During the three days of business and informal programme there are active discussions, meetings and exchange of experience between the representatives of translation industry, new technological developments in the field of translation are demonstrated.

The conference is intended for a wide audience: heads of translation agencies and departments, full-time translators and freelancers, teachers and representatives of higher education institutions, software and hardware suppliers, associations of translators, government agencies, publishing houses, public organizations.

Other events

In addition, every year Cyrillic Studio participates in such major forums as: MIPCOM (Marché International des Programmes de Communication) international audiovisual content exhibition in Cannes, CSTB Telecom & Media international exhibition and forum in Moscow, Kidscreen Summit conference in the USA dedicated to development of children's entertainment industry, Licensing World Russia - the only specialized exhibition in Russia dedicated to licensing topic, DevGamm - the largest conference for game developers and publishers in CIS, White Nights Conference international business conference on game development and promotion on different platforms in Saint-Petersburg, the largest European gaming me

About company

Russian producer and director Valeriy Dovbnya, who during his professional career worked for such companies as Amedia, REN-TV and 2x2, established Kirillitsa Studio in 2009. Currently the studio is one of the leading companies in Russia which provides services in media content localization (dubbing, re-recasting, adaptation, sub-titling), games localization (translation of in-game content, adapted text linguistic testing, voice-over, sound-design), and technical support (video restoration, upscaling, conversion, content protection).

In addition, the Cyrillic studio provides content localization services in foreign languages. The Studio's partners make it possible for Russian clients to obtain a full range of localization services in English, Spanish, German, French, Portuguese, Arabic, Hindi, Chinese, Indonesian, Japanese, and many other languages.

At present Kirillitsa localizes products in over 25 languages.


Kirillitsa Studio cooperates with the largest companies on media content market such as Disney, Discovery, Mtv, Netflix, Amediateka, Paramount Comedy, Sony, "Gazprom-Media", "CTC", "Pyatnitsa!" and many others.

There are five active studios for dubbing audiovisual content into Russian on the territory of Moscow. "Kirillitsa" also cooperates with partner offices all over the world which allows Russian producers to promote their content to the international level.

Since its launch, the company has dubbed more than 700,000 minutes of content. minutes of content and completed more than 500 projects, including TV series ("The Office", "Sherlock", "Twin Peaks", "The Clinic", "Star Trek", "How to Get Away with Murder"), films ("Escape from Shawshank"), animated series ("Gravity Falls," "Naruto"), television shows (Top Gear, "Top Model American") and documentaries ("Planet Earth 2").


Over the past three years, the company's annual turnover has grown by 20%, from RUB 62 million in 2017 to RUB 74 million in 2019. The company's net profit also increased by 25% from RUB 815 thousand in 2017 to RUB 1 million in 2019.