Altai Krai is expected to increase the production of flour and cereals by the end of 2022 against the background of the temporary ban on grain exports to the EAEU countries, said Alexander Bolshakov, head of the regional department of food, processing, pharmaceutical industry and biotechnology.
"As for the traders, the ban was introduced on March 15 and is valid until June 30, so there is no export of grain from the region to the countries that have fallen under the ban. This will lead to saturation of the raw materials market in Altai Krai, the enterprises will have an opportunity to increase the volume of processing in the region and send more finished products for export, as there are no bans for it - neither for flour, nor for cereals. We hope that this year we will see the growth of grain processing and increase of production of ready products - flour and cereals," - he said.
According to him, the output of such products by the results of the first two months of the current year is already higher than the results of the similar period of 2021.
Let us remind you that the restrictions on grain will be in force until June 30, on sugar - until August 31, 2022. The ban on grains applies to wheat, meslin, rye, barley and corn.
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