Steel reinforcement plant to be built in Grozny
2022-05-12 04:21

Steel reinforcement plant to be built in Grozny

In Grozny on the territory of the special economic zone (SEZ) it is planned to open a plant for the production of steel fittings and a workshop for the production of metal structures with an area of 10 hectares, said Rustam Shaptukayev, Minister of Economic, Territorial Development and Trade of Chechnya.

"The key purpose of the products is to be used in the sphere of housing and communal services, industrial and civil construction. The target audience of the project will be manufacturing, construction and trade companies, as well as individuals," TASS quoted Shaptukaev as saying.

The initiator of the investment project is the company "Trubny Potok Pererabotka". Its implementation will create 130 jobs. The total cost is 1.28 billion rubles.

SEZ of industrial-production type "Grozny" was created in December 2019.

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Author: Alexandra ZaslavskayaMade
in Russia // Made in Russia