The novel "Young Guard" was included by the Ministry of Education of the country in the list of mandatory reading literature at school. This is reported by the press service of the head of the State Duma Education Committee Olga Kazakova.
"A letter from the Ministry sent to me informs that the novel "Young Guard" is included in the list of works required for study in the draft federal basic educational programs of secondary general education. We all studied the history of the Young Guard at school. As a graduate of the Lugansk school, I remember how much influence the history of our fellow countrymen had on us teenagers," the press service quoted Kazakova as saying.
She noted that the Ministry made such a decision in response to her appeal about the mandatory study of the novel "Young Guard" at school. According to the deputy, teachers and parents asked her about it.
She also explained that children will study the novel in literature lessons from the next academic year, because federal basic educational programs will become mandatory for all schools in the country from January 1, 2023.
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