Agrosila will bring in almost 900 tractors and seeders for the sowing campaign
2022-05-06 12:41

Agrosila will bring in almost 900 tractors and seeders for the sowing campaign

Agrosila's spring field work is in an active phase, for this purpose the holding has attracted about 900 units of various equipment, the company's press service said.

"More than 400 tractors are used for sowing campaign, including 96 power tractors, as well as 138 grain seeders, 136 pre-sowing cultivators, 94 packers, 75 precision seeders and 50 seeding complexes," the company said.

Today we have already finished the first feeding of the winter and perennial grasses with nitrogen fertilizers and are about to finish the harrowing of the seedbed. We have already 20% of perennial grasses harvesting completed, and the second feeding of winter wheat (6%) and winter rye (5%) with ammonium nitrate has been started.

Agrarians have almost finished sowing peas (90% of the allotted area). Sowing of perennial grasses by 70%, spring barley by 65%, annual grass by 35%, sugar beet by 24%, sunflower by 14%. Work has begun on spring wheat, now planted 125 hectares (0.5% of the area).

In May, crops will be completed sowing, including corn on grain, corn on silage, rape. It is also planned to use crop protection agents, apply fertilizers and inter-row cultivation of sugar beet.

Seed fund of sowing campaign amounts to 15 thousand tons.

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Author: Ekaterina Ivanova Made
in Russia // Made in Russia