Russian developer and manufacturer of hand-held metal detectors Sphinx CJSC released a new product in 2020 - a pinpointer search device. This is the first such device created by the company's specialists.
Pinpointer is a compact search device, which can be used independently or in addition to the metal detector, designed for search and detection of the smallest metal objects. The advantage of pinpointer is to increase the efficiency and speed of search, minimum excavation and high-quality, targeted detection of little-noticeable finds.
Sphinx" pinpointer has a number of qualitative characteristics, including: high sensitivity with the possibility of its adjustment (3 fixed levels and 1 customizable by the user), protection from external influences, fast ground tuning, audible and vibration alarm, a wide temperature range of action (from minus 20 to plus 50 degrees), a bright flashlight, the presence of mode "loss" (for 40 minutes, the device signals once every 10 seconds after 5 minutes down time), mounted on a belt, 9V battery, anti-interference system, battery discharge indicator, low power consumption, eight detection programs.
Other company products
The key products of "Sphinx" are different types of metal detectors. These are microprocessor manual metal detectors, metal detectors (Sphinx VM-311, VM-611X, VM-612, VM-611 Vihr and their modifications) as well as metal detectors, manhole detectors for search of engineering communications (manholes, gate valves) BM-911, BM-901.)
Manual metal detectors Sphinx (metal detectors) are intended to provide security in law enforcement agencies, schools, hospitals and on transport to detect prohibited items such as firearms, cold steel weapons, grenades, knives etc. Sphinx metal detectors are also used for theft control of manufactured, extracted or stored products.
Moreover, portable hand-held metal detectors VM-611 VICHR OKO and BM-611 RD-2.0 OKO were developed by our company. They are equipped with wireless data transfer function via radio channel. At the same time the technical specifications of the metal detectors, including noise immunity and power consumption, are not inferior to standard models. The advantages of the models - the highest sensitivity, high stability of operation, detailed manual sensitivity adjustment, different modes of indication, such as visual, audible and vibrosignalization. All this allows you to search people and luggage without attracting extra attention and providing adequate working comfort. All the information about the manual metal detector operation in real-time encrypted channel is received at the hub, converted into XML-format and transmitted via Ethernet to the network for further processing. At the customer's request the metal detectors with wireless data transfer function can be equipped with gamma-radiation detectors and the information about their operation can also be transmitted via radio-channel.
The latest development of Sphinx is the Sphinx OKO inspection system. (objective operator control) built in metal detectors. The Sphinx OKO search control system (SCS) has become the newest instrument in the sphere of providing security at various objects and events and has no analogues.
The devices are microprocessor-based and have the world's best detection properties for metal objects in a wide temperature range and can effectively solve the problems of detection under high level of electromagnetic interference. Metal detectors "Sphinx" also have the best indicators on power consumption. At the same time, metal detectors cost is kept on a minimum level due to creation of the production in own russian manufacture, and also due to original design and schematic decisions.
Due to its advantages, metal detectors "Sphinx" are widely used for different objects security and are in great demand not only in Russia, but also are exported all over the world.
About the company
Sphinx CJSC was founded in 1992. Nowadays the company has a wide network of dealers and distributors in many cities of Russian Federation and CIS countries.
You can buy hand-held metal detectors both at official partners on the territory of Moscow, Samara, Khabarovsk, Vladivostok, CIS countries, and in Internet-shops, where you can order in other countries.
Regular customers of "Sphinx" products are law enforcement agencies, private security companies, schools, hospitals and other establishments and organizations. Since 1992 we have produced more than 250 thousand manual metal detectors with Sphinx trademark. All of them are protected by copyright certificates and patents, industrial design certificates, certified by Rosstandart bodies according to GOST R and by a number of industry certification centers (MHA, Ministry of Internal Affairs, etc.).