Photocor, a company engaged in the production of laboratory equipment, in July of this year completed research and development work aimed at the development of modern and inexpensive equipment for measuring the parameters of nanoparticles in liquids. It is a matter of measuring not only the size and concentration of nanoparticles, but also their electrophoretic potential, which characterizes, in particular, the stability of colloids, emulsions, etc.
Interest in nanoparticles is manifested in various fields: industry, medicine, science, manufacture of modern processors and chips, as well as in many studies in chemistry, physics, biology and pharmaceutics.
Reasons and Purposes of Research
The main reason for creating such devices is the cost of the device - a domestic device will cost a few million rubles, and imported - up to 7-8 million rubles. With such a price for imported analogues, not every scientific center or educational organization is able to purchase nanoanalyzers. At the same time, there is a growing need for educating high school and university students about the modern technology of the rapidly developing nanoindustry.
With this in mind, the Fotokor team of specialists set a goal to create a complex device available for purchase by schools that measures both the size of nanoparticles and their electrophoretic mobility. The approximate value of this equipment will be about 500 thousand roubles.
About the complex
The complex of educational equipment, developed by the company, allows to measure particle sizes in liquid dispersions in the range from 1 nm to 10 microns by dynamic light scattering, as well as zeta potential in the range from minus 150 to plus 150 mV by electrophoretic light scattering. The device is intended to be used for educational purposes: for demonstration, research and laboratory works with different colloidal systems, nano- and microparticles, protein complexes etc. in physics, chemistry, biology and other fundamental and applied sciences.
At the same time, this equipment allows performing a full range of research for work with new materials for the purposes of individual small-scale production.
The complex created by the company has the following parameters and provides a number of functions:
- measurement of nanoparticle sizes by dynamic light scattering;
- measurement of zeta potential of nanoparticles using the method of electrophoretic light scattering;
- measurement of particle sizes in the range from 1 nm to 10 μm;
- measurement of zeta potential in the range from minus 150 to plus 150 mV
- measurements of scattered light at a scattering angle of 90°
- measurements in samples of various volumes from 10 µl to 4 ml;
- temperature range of samples from 5°С to 90°С;
- wavelength of diode laser radiation 638 nm;
- 10 mW diode laser radiation power;
- volume of a measured sample from 10 µl to 4 ml.
To perform measurements on the complex of experimental training equipment different samples with the volume from 10 µl to 4 ml can be used:
- a training set of particle samples of different sizes and with different zeta potential values;
- experimental samples of technological particles;
- experimental samples for nanoscale phenomena in physics, chemistry, biology.
Research results and other projects
In addition to the issued scientific and technical report, conducting a full range of tests, including those on electrical and fire safety, the company assembled a prototype device, using the new technologies and technical solutions found by the developers of the company.
Full complex of tests showed correctness of taken decisions. The device withstands unfavorable transportation conditions, does not require additional adjustment afterwards and allows measuring all stated nanoparticle parameters with the highest degree of accuracy.
Use of adapted components and significantly improved methods of data processing made it possible to reduce the dependence on imported parts and decrease the cost of the nanoanalyzer many times over.
New sample of spectrometer of dynamic light scattering Fotokor will demonstrate at the exhibition "Analytics Expo", but already now this device arouses great interest among experts.
Besides nanoanalyzer itself, Fotokor specialists developed three laboratory works based on the new nanoanalyzers and created methodological support for educational equipment designed for studying nanoscale phenomena in physics, chemistry, biology: "Methodological support for educational equipment for measurements using dynamic light scattering" and "Methodological support for educational equipment for measurements using electrophoretic light scattering". In addition, the device is accompanied by "Guidelines for students on the use of a set of experimental teaching equipment".