Argentov Jewelry House presents unique intaglio in Faberge style at Junwex-2020 in Moscow
2020-10-27 10:40

Argentov Jewelry House presents unique intaglio in Faberge style at Junwex-2020 in Moscow

Argent jewelry manufacturer will present its own intaglio frame in the style of Faberge, "Holy Royal Martyrs and Passion Bearers," at the traditional jewelry exhibition Junwex to be held in Moscow in September 2020.

"In September 2020, the Junwex Traditional Jewelry Exhibition will take place, where the art and documentary exhibition "Triumph of Russian Culture and Jewelry Art" will be presented. As part of this exhibition there will be presentation of intaglio "Holy Royal Martyrs and Passion Bearers" in the frame, made in the style of the firm of Carl Faberge by Argentov," - said the representative of the company.

He said the author of the intaglio was Vladimir Popovich and the designer was Tatiana Zharkova. The article was presented by Argentov Jewellery House for the first time with support from the Foundation for development of jewellery art to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Christian exploits of the Romanov royal family.

This year's event is dedicated to the 120th anniversary of the World Exhibition in Paris, as well as anniversaries of great Russian jewelers - 190th anniversary of Pavel Ovchinnikov, 160th anniversary of Mikhail Perkhin and 100th anniversary of the death of Carl Faberge.

About company

For over 20 years the jewellery house "Argentov" has been producing and selling unique handmade jewellery. The stylistic choices of products vary from classic to modern design. The products of the brand adorn collections of jewelry connoisseurs worldwide.

To create their jewelry pieces the masters of the Jewelry House apply historical experience together with technological innovations trying to show the beauty of a gem with the highest expressiveness, finding the perfect setting for it in the Russian style.

At the same time, with their work, the jewelers support restoration of the lost art of reverse intaglio (a unique stone carving technology), as a result of which Argentov has gathered a unique collection of more than a hundred intaglios of high artistic level by modern Russian intaglios. The main part of the collection is the work of the master Vladimir Popovich.

Today this art is owned by not more than several hundred masters all over the world - mainly in Russia, Germany, China, Italy and the USA. Intaglio jewelry is considered to be the hallmark of the Argentine house.

Another unique collection of the jewelry house is use of cameos on semi-precious and ornamental stones. This is one of the directions of Russian stone-cutting art, which was loved by Russian Empress Catherine the Great.

From the moment of its foundation the jewellery house could not only develop the collections of various directions but also create a unique museum level collection.


Today the company employs several dozens of artists and jewelers, who are led and inspired by the founder of the brand Yaroslav Argentov. These specialists are united by high professionalism and reverent attitude to their work. Using modern equipment they preserve and improve old techniques of making jewellery of Faberge epoch.

Argentent's products are distinguished first of all by their individuality: they are made according to their own sketches, not following fashion. The main subject of the piece is a stone, around which a concept of the product is built.

The jewellery house offers jewelry pieces, which combine unique stones and virtuosic work of jewelers, both in single copies and in various collections: modern classics, Italian, cameos, jewelry platic, panagia, as well as various souvenirs and art-objects.

Many pieces by Argentov have been marked by the High Expert Jewellery Collegium, as well as being collector's items.

About Art of Intaglio

The art of intaglio is one of the most ancient techniques of stone carving. There are two types of intaglio, reverse and straight. The differences between the intaglio carving techniques are insignificant. The reverse intaglio is executed mirror-like on the reverse side of the transparent stone, the direct intaglio is carved on the obverse side of the stone, usually opaque or less transparent.

Reverse intaglios are items used either as inserts in jewelry or as stand-alone works of art with collector's value.

A straight intaglio gives a true image, but requires constant control over the depth of the carving by means of impressions from plasticine. This also applies to seals, the direct intaglio, which are made in mirror image and carry, in addition to aesthetic value, a purely applied load.

The technology of making intaglios has not changed for the millennia. Of technical innovations are electric drive, microscope and diamond tools that allowed only to reduce the time of production. Now for creation of intaglio in the size of 1 sq. cm, depending on complexity of drawing it is required approximately one month.