2022-12-04 03:55

Rostec has launched a new production of engines for helicopters

The United Engine Corporation Rostec has started production of helicopter engines at the V. Chernyshev enterprise. At the new site, it was decided to produce VK-650 V and TV7-117 V power plants. By 2025, they promise to produce up to 500 engines here. According to the portal "Made with us", one of the most complex parts of the compressor — the centrifugal wheel - will be manufactured at the site with 150 units of equipment.

According to Valery Teplov, the production director of the UEC, the new site is part of the specialization center of the compact production complex "Production of DSE helicopter engines".

Managing director of the company Amir Khakimov, after the creation of a new site, a high-tech production complex appeared here.

"This is part of a large project to transform the production model of the UEC. The site will expand the bottlenecks, provide an increased production program for the manufacture of parts and assembly units for VK-2500, VK-1600 and VK-650 engines," says the head.

Read more interesting news in our Telegram channelAuthor: Natalia Alyoshina

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