2022-11-15 04:55

Ozon was in first place in the rating of franchises in Russia

In the first three quarters of the year, Ozon became the most popular franchise in Russia. The company has increased its partner network by 2,650 points. This is written by Forbes, which compiled the rating.

According to the publication, the franchising market in Russia continues to grow despite the geopolitical crisis. Analysts have found that since the beginning of 2022, the number of franchises of 30 participants in the Forbes rating has increased by almost 20%. Ozon is followed by the Avocado grocery store chain, which has opened 1,230 outlets. And at the end of the rating was the franchise of the 2GIS electronic directory, which has not opened a single partner business since the beginning of the year.

In total, the list includes thirty popular franchises ranked by five indicators — the average annual revenue of one point, the profitability coefficient, payback period, profitability and quantitative growth of the partner network. This year, the IQ007 network of speed reading schools and the Positronica chain of consumer electronics stores did not get into it. These companies have closed too many outlets since the beginning of the year. Cosmetics retailer Mixit refused to participate in the rating – the company has curtailed its franchise business.

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Dmitry Soroka

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