An educational animated series about the life of robots "Robolabia" is being created in Russia. The project is being handled by the creative association Pilot Bros. Now five pilot series are already available on their website.
As Pilot Bros producer Pavel Nikiforov told Made in Russia, the animated series tells about the everyday life of the Ninth courier robot, household and service robots: a cook, a cleaner, a policeman and their friends - Mio the cat, Chu the dog and the only human character — the girl Eva.
The animated series features a built-in educational narrative, and each two-minute series, in addition to popularizing technology, tells about the importance of friendship and teaches humane attitude to the world and its inhabitants. After each episode, a mysterious observer evaluates the actions of the characters, hinting that all this is some kind of unusual experiment.
"Technologies and robots have quickly entered our lives: whether they are smart vacuum cleaners, drones or delivery rovers plying the streets of Moscow and Innopolis. How to treat them, whether to be afraid of them and whether to feel sorry for them, what place a person and his pets will take in this new world — we tried to answer these and many other questions for ourselves and for our children," Nikiforov said.
He noted that the idea for the animated series was born in Innopolis, a city of high technologies, where drones and robots on the streets "will not surprise anyone anymore."
"We have already made some funny episodes and are now looking for partners and platforms interested in releasing such entertainment and educational content," he said.
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Author: Ulyana Lutskevich
Made in Russia // Made in Russia
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