Graduated from Russian Academy of Entrepreneurship (specialty - Personnel Manager)
Official duties and achievements:
- company's business organization
- development activities maintenance related to the creation of thermal imaging devices and video signal processing (night vision devices, night driving cameras);
- thermal imaging module was developed and put into mass production, of its own design;
- mass production organization;
- delivery of the electronic component base;
- participation in exhibitions;
- negotiating, signing contracts;
Project coordination:
- implementation of the Quality Management System in the enterprise, in the system of GOST RV 0015 (obtaining a Certificate in the system Military Register and the Certificate of qualified supplierin the Electrosert system);
- registered a patent and is one of the authors of the thermal imaging module design;
- recruitment and management of personnel, conducting briefings, quality control of employees, work distribution
- management: freelancers
Management of production, engineering and design departments.
The staff consists of 20 people.