Since 2007 SpecPozhTech company has been producing unique, unparalleled Sogda heat shields and fire protection barriers, which are successfully used at many oil and gas complex facilities.
SpecPozhTech produces portable, mobile and stationary models of shields.
The shields can be used to extinguish fires in gas, oil, fuel, chemical, nuclear, forestry,
woodworking industries, power generation facilities, metallurgy and machine building
enterprises, in residential and office premises; they can be used on fires in mines, automobile
and railway tunnels, subways, for rescue of air passengers by means of a fireproof ladder, for
fire extinguishing on sea platforms and ships.
It provides protection of people and equipment from thermal impact even on very strong fires, reduces the time of extinguishing by approaching the fireplace and the most effective use of fire extinguishing and cooling agents, reduces the consumption of these substances.
This creates the possibility of evacuating people from the fire zone through corridors made of shields, as well as the installation of fences that stop the spread of fire.
Removes restrictions on the time of operation of people and equipment in case of extreme heat radiation and fire exposure.
It provides visibility of burning objects through the shield, which allows you to assess the situation in the burning zone and make operational decisions.
Equipped with wheels, the shield is designed to protect firefighters performing combat operations, rescue and emergency operations from heat radiation.
For moving shield equipped with wheels. They can be deliverd to the fire scene in converted fire truck.
It is designed to protect the operator of the carriage shaft from extreme heat flows.
It is installed on stationary carriage shaft at the enterprises of oil and gas, fuel, chemical and other industries.
Mobile shield, designed to protect firefighters, equipment and personnel from thermal radiation. The design of the shield allows the use of manual fire barrels for extinguishing.
With the help of the shield it is possible to mount heat protection walls or corridors for safe evacuation of people from the fire zone.
It is used for works on liquidation of accidents at gas and oil fountains, as well as for mechanical protection of personnel from possible damage by wreckage of technological equipment at explosion or gas emission.
Portable folding shield, designed for individual protection against heat flow of a firefighter, performing combat operations with a manual fire barrel.
Low weight and compactness of the shield make it the most convenient protective means when extinguishing fires in multi-storey buildings and structures, as well as in open terrain.
The barriers provide localization of fire with the temperature up to 1800 ⁰С, withstand heat fluxes over 220 kW/m2, do not collapse during explosions, because the blast wave passes through the mesh, water films are formed again because of the atomized liquid, and the barriers continue to protect against fire. They are used for dividing the internal volume of the premises into fire compartments and allow reducing the distance between fire hazardous objects.
They are used for fire protection of tanks with oil products (used for fencing the containers with extinguishing agent). They are irreplaceable on offshore oil and gas platforms, marine vessels. They can be used to create safety islands for personnel (passengers) who cannot leave the offshore platform or ship in case of fire.
It is intended for localization and extinguishing of the ignition point at the initial stage by the personnel of the fire hazardous facility before the arrival of firefighting units.
It is equipped with a heat protection shield and primary fire extinguishing means. shield can be irrigated with water from external water supply source or operate in autonomous mode.
Production technologies of heat shields are continuously improved in accordance with the needs of consumers, which increases the customer focus of the company and contributes to its productive growth. The company has the potential to expand new markets both in Russia and abroad, which is one of the main objectives of the company. The following objectives have been identified to achieve this objective:
Russia, Moscow, 3/9, Kashirskoye shosse
+7 495 181-57-71