LLC "Institute for Space Research of the Earth" (IKIZ) provides high-tech information services for remote assessment and monitoring of ground biological resources based on satellite systems of sensing from space and automated methods of processing of data obtained by them

"IKIZ" was registered in February 2012. The distinguishing feature of the applied satellite data processing methods was that they could be used for a comprehensive analysis of large territories. LAGMA software package applies the principles of adaptability of algorithms to the territory under study. It is based on the principles of spatial localization and is used for evaluation with its inherent modification of the effective use of artificial intelligence algorithm, evaluating the coverage of large spaces and even global space. It has a high level of automation of parameter setting, taking into account changing characteristics in spectral-reflective key.

The effectiveness of the company's solutions, which determine its advantages, is ensured by the use of unique technologies. We have developed technologies for working with ultra-large distributed data archives.

The organization provides information on the state of agricultural crops, obtained from satellite monitoring data. The user can obtain information on the monitoring progress, the type of crop being cultivated, the time course of solar radiation and accumulated radiation for any period from 2000 to the present. The customer can also obtain real types of information, but in a region-averaged format.